Is it worth it to reface kitchen cabinets?

Posted on: October 17, 2018

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Is it worth it to reface kitchen cabinets

When homeowners hear the word ‘remodel’, the first thing that comes to their mind are either messy, expensive, or time-consuming. As a result, most homeowners resort to refacing their kitchen cabinets.

However, the underlying question is, is it worth it to reface your kitchen cabinets?Just because you don’t want your kitchen to look messy with all the repairing and refurbishing or you have a tight budget and schedule doesn’t mean that refacing is your best option. Here’s why:

Case-by-case basis

Your decision to reface your kitchen cabinets should depend on their structural condition. Kitchen cabinets that are still functional and in good shape are the best candidates for a refacing project.

If your kitchen cabinet boxes are still sturdy but their doors are already faded, chipped, or warped, you should get things rolling!

On the other hand, if your kitchen cabinets are already wobbly or deteriorating because of decades of usage, you should consider replacing them entirely, whereas an insufficient counter space or an inconvenient kitchen layout calls for a remodel.

Now that you’ve classified whether you need a refacing, replacing or remodeling project, let’s move on to the advantages of refacing. Here are five reasons why refacing is worth it:

It can transform your kitchen

Since your kitchen cabinets make up most of your kitchen space, it’s the easiest way to update and increase the aesthetic value of your kitchen. Although your kitchen cabinet boxes aren’t new, no one will notice it because its exteriors look stunning!

It can also enhance the ambiance of your kitchen if you will pick a material, color, and finish that will complement your kitchen theme.

It’s cost-efficient

Refacing kitchen cabinets cost about half as much as replacing them entirely. It’s a make-over on a budget!

It’s time-saving

Most refacing projects only take a week or less to finish which means that it can fit into your busy schedule.

It’s hassle-free

Unlike kitchen remodeling projects that will require you to dine out, use paper plates and plastic utensils, or even wash your dishes in the bathroom and cabinet replacements that will require you to empty out and restock your kitchenware, a refacing project is hassle-free. You can use your kitchen even while your cabinets are being refaced.

It’s eco-friendly

Replacing your kitchen cabinet doors alone is a green option because you’re not adding much waste to the landfill. You can even reuse and recycle your kitchen cabinet doors into a chalkboard or a cork board.

So, which project did your kitchen fall into? Refacing, replacing, or remodeling?Feel free to share it with us over the phone at (800) 581-0694 and get a free quote.


remodel kitchen

new kitchen cabinets