The Zero Waste Kitchen: Three Tips for Planning Your Kitchen with Zero Waste

Posted on: November 14, 2021

If you plan to have a zero-waste kitchen, this must be your sign to start it before your kitchen gets busy during the holidays. Zero waste is an eco-habit that can be challenging sometimes, but this can turn your kitchen cleaner and fresher. You may opt for a zero-waste pantry where your jars and racks are all eco-friendly and can use for a long time. You may also follow the 3Rs which are reuse, reduce, and recycle.

Once you’ve decided to upgrade your kitchen and lessen your ecological footprint, and you failed to start because you have doubts on how you can pull off this journey, you can refer to the following tips.

Here are the three tips for planning your kitchen with zero waste in mind.

Put Your Kitchen Cabinets to Good Use

Having a functional kitchen cabinet can make your life easier if you plan to go zero-waste. When you have a well-design cubby that serves its purpose well, you can easily see if you still have stocks or not. And when you know what you have, you are more likely to use them before it goes to waste.

Make Room for Reusable Things

Believe it or not that a big part of going all-in when it comes to a zero-waste kitchen is starting by switching to reusable containers over throwaway plastic. In addition, you can also opt for decorations that are eco-friendly too and will last a long time. You may add an extra natural element too, that doesn’t take much space to look fresher and more relaxing. Just make sure that there’s room for everything to avoid clutter.

Design your Kitchen for Long Term Usage

In the process of embracing this kind of journey, it is only natural to produce waste if you remodel or reface your cabinets. But that is okay as long as you design them for long-term use. Properly execute your kitchen, make sure that you hire a professional who can properly fix and take care of your cubbies beforehand. In this way, it can endure a busy kitchen and can survive wear and tear over the years.


It doesn’t make you less of a homeowner when your kitchen is not like everybody else. It doesn’t make sense too if you have different values from another when it comes to managing your kitchen. What’s important is you are making a change that’s not only for your family but also for everyone around you.

As they always say, the change begins with you. So, having a zero-waste kitchen is like making a big difference in the world.

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