4 Cleaning Solutions for your Refaced Kitchen Cabinets (Infographic)

Posted on: June 19, 2019


So, you just got those kitchen cabinets of yours newly refaced. But no matter how good their current condition might be, they will still require some occasional cleaning. Most of your household chores, especially cooking can be a pretty messy job. You don’t want to ruin the look of your refaced cabinetry right away, don’t you?

Fortunately, cleaning your refaced cabinets is very much like cleaning old cabinets. There is actually almost no difference in the process. In fact, cabinets that recently undergone refacing are easier to clean as they have a finish that enables the smooth removal of any kind of stains.

The tricky task however, is what kind of cleaning solution should you apply on your cabinets. Picking the wrong solution could damage the cabinet’s surface hence rendering the refacing service pointless.

Here are four of the most common cleaning solutions that you can use for your newly refaced cabinets:

4 Cleaning Solutions for your Refaced Kitchen Cabinets

All-purpose Commercial Cleaners

Commercial cleaning products currently available in the market are very powerful agents when it comes in removing the most stubborn stains. Be mindful of how much you apply though, for sometimes it could cause the cabinet paint to get peeled or stripped off. It’s better to test the cleaning product by taking a small amount and use it on a small part of the cabinet surface. When cleaning, always use a sponge instead of directly pouring the solution over. Once finished, rinse the cabinet with clean water and dry it out with a clean cloth.

Hot Water

If you wanted to keep your cabinets clean and free of stains, you must know a common knowledge that stains are best to be removed the first time you noticed them. Because seeing a fresh stain means that you don’t need any special cleaning solution at all. Warm water and sponge would do the trick, not to mention your cabinets are safe from getting damaged due to harmful chemicals. Soak the sponge in a pale of hot water and start wiping the cabinets. You can use a scrubbing pad in case the stains remained intact (which is less likely to happen). Dry the cabinets with a towel afterward, and if you want you can apply some wood wax to polish it.

Dish Soap

Dish soaps are effective in taking off any remnants of grease from your cabinets. Just take a few drops on a bucket of hot water and you already have a cabinet cleaning solution against grease. Be sure to wipe your cabinets using a wet towel to avoid the traces of drying soap to stain the refaced surfaces of your cabinets.

DIY Cleaner

Why should you spend some bucks for an expensive cleaner if you can make something of your own? Combining vinegar and water is the simplest homemade cleaning solution around. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant known to cut grease as well as repel harmful bacteria.

As long as you will take some extra care while applying these four cleaning solutions, you’re good to go. Now you can enjoy the benefits of having newly refaced cabinets without the fear of damaging its surface due to unwanted stains!

Let us help you uplift the look of your kitchen cabinets with our cabinet refacing service! Visit our website today at www.kcnetdev.wpengine.com or call us at (800) 581-0694 to learn more.