How to Clean Sticky Wood Kitchen Cabinets

Posted on: April 5, 2023

Cleaning those sticky, greasy wood cabinets can sometimes be annoying. These sticky residues are usually caused by cooking greasy foods.

But some of them may be left by some cleaners. Regardless of where they come from, they can be frustrating to remove. As time passes, when they build up too much grease, they can become unappealing and damaging to your kitchen.

This is why more homeowners nowadays look for effective ways and tips on how to clean wood cabinets. To help, below are some things you need to do with your greasy cubbies.

Kitchen white cabinet

How to Clean the Exteriors?

The outside of your cabinet can make or break its overall look. So, it is necessary to clean them. For the starter, begin with dish soap and warm water.

First, remove the doors from the cabinet frames.

  • Remove the doors from the cabinet frames.
  • Use a screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the hinges on each door and place them on a towel to avoid losing them in your cleanup process (or just keep them in an empty paper towel roll).

Wash the doors with a degreaser.

Once you’ve washed the doors with water, it’s time to tackle the sticky residue. To do this, you’ll need a degreaser and a soft cloth.

First, apply some degreaser onto your cloth and rub it all over each door until they’re clean. Then wipe away any excess liquid with another clean part of the same cloth. If some of that stubborn gunk still remains after this process (and it probably will), repeat steps 1 through 3 until you have removed all traces of grime from your cabinets!

Wipe the cabinets down with water.

  • Wipe down the cabinets with warm water and dish soap.
  • Use a soft cloth or sponge, and apply a mild detergent to it as well.

Reposition the doors onto their hinges and reattach them with screws.

The next step is to reattach the doors to their hinges. Make sure you’ve removed all of the old glue and cleaned out any remaining adhesive with a scraper or sandpaper before doing this, as it will prevent new glue from sticking to the old.

Once you’ve done that, place one edge of each door in its respective groove, then line up its other edge with its partner on the other side of the cabinet frame (if there are two). Once they’re lined up properly and level with each other, screw them into place using some wood screws–be careful not to over-tighten these screws! You don’t want them coming loose later on because they’ve been stripped out by too much force.

Learn how to clean sticky wood kitchen cabinets.

Remove the doors from their hinges. Wash the doors with a degreaser, like WD-40 or Simple Green, to remove any dirt and grease. Wipe down the cabinets with water, then reattach them with screws.

Here’s what you need to do:

·        Prepare warm water and dishwashing liquid and mix them. When ready, dump your soft cloth into it and wring it out. After this, you can start wiping down all the surfaces. Pay extra attention to the handles since grease is quickly built up on them.

·        After this, rinse it off with clear warm water only. Ensure your chosen fabric isn’t soaked wet with water; otherwise, it can damage while you reface your kitchen.

·        After a couple of wiping, get another piece of dry clothing and wipe the exteriors of your cabinet.

·        When greases are too tough for you to handle, you can opt for hot water and vinegar solution. Such a method has a strong degreasing ability, due to its acidity.

·        A 50/50 measurement of water and vinegar is a perfect solution to your greasy problem. Once you made this, spray it directly into that stubborn sticky grease and leave them for a couple of minutes.

·        Hard sticky residues can be tenacious. You can create a mixture of little water and baking soda when the stain is too much. Gently rub them to the stain and you will see visible results.

·        When you think everything is no longer going the way it should be, it is time to grab an old toothbrush. Use vinegar or baking soda, then scrub the stain until it’s removed.

When to Consider Other Options?

Greasy parts of your kitchen cabinets can be normal. However, there are times when it becomes too messy to handle. Those stains on the exteriors of your cubbies that are impossible to remove even after using different solutions and stain removers are indications that you need to consider other options. Another indicator is if those old residues are becoming a factor in having dingy and smelly storage.

When this happens, you can opt to get services from kitchen cabinet refacing in San Clemente. One of the refacing processes is changing the front and side panels of the cabinets. From this, you can update your storage without having to remodel it. It is an excellent yet inexpensive way to save your cabinets.

Regarding cabinetry and kitchen remodeling services, Kitchen Cabinet Refacing is here. We will happily assist and give our best ideas for your space. Connect with us for more information on our products and services.

Visit our website today at or call us at (800) 581-0694 to learn more about cabinet refacing Coto de Caza.